Thank You For Your Continued Support

Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters,
Lucia and I want to thank all of you for your support during 2011 and for your continued support in 2012. We have no
words that are able to express our gratitude to you. We are thankful not only for your financial support but also for your
confidence in and obvious love for us. We have found raising support to be very challenging over the past year, but we are
determined to continue, knowing that God has called us for this purpose. We will be looking at different ways to raise all of
the financial support that we need and we will continue to communicate our progress and needs to all of you. We ask that
you consider recommending us for support to your Christian friends in other Churches and congregations. We have learned
that we will only get enough support to go if we have individuals supporting us instead of Churches. We know that our
network of supporters is only as big as your network of friends, families, and businesses. Currently our mission account is in Cleveland, Tennessee it contains everything that has been given, we have taken nothing from the account since it was established. We still have a way to go but we know God is faithful and we will receive
all we need in His perfect timing. Various things have happened in our lives since we started this journey and we can see
reasons why God still wanted us here until now, there were lives that we had to touch and works we had to do, but
His call remains and our determination is just as great. Please continue to pray for us and we promise to continue to pray
for you. God bless each of you richly with all spiritual blessings.

In Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior,
Brother and Sister Kennedy

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