Progress Made

Progress Made

Lucia and I have been busy preparing for the day we reach Brazil.  We have sent letters requesting to present our plans for ministry in Brazil to 50 Churches in Ohio.  The Lord has moved wonderfully for us and we have been contacted by the missions committee at Princeton Pike.  We will be meeting with the committee on May 15th after morning worship to discuss our plans and hopefully they will decide to support us financially and prayerfully.  We have been very encouraged by Princeton Pike’s desire to learn more about our plans.  As of the writing of this letter, they are the only one out of the 50 who have responded.  Please pray that the Lord will move in the hearts of the pastors of the other 49. 

We are sending out another set of letters today to an additional 25 churches.  Since, at this point, we have to pay for all of the postage for this newsletter and for the letters to the various Churches out of my employment income it becomes financially challenging to send mass mailings. We are progressing incrementally as we can afford to progress.  We investigated the costs of mass mailings with the post office but we do not have the volume required for reduced rates.  If you would like to receive the letter via email instead of through the postal service please let us know.

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